Friday, September 10, 2010

Academic Report


  • Coursework Mark: 81/100
  • Exam Mark: 89/100
  • Grade: A
How do you feel about these grades?

I felt relieved but mostly content about my grades. I wasn't overly happy or overjoyed just grateful as I had in mind " Now to ace my A Levels"

What are you going to do to improve this year..?

This year I am willing and
determined to strive and do my best- to complete all tasks with a positive mind set.

My Targets

  • Time management- this includes being able to do multiple things equally and on time.
  • Scheduling my filming hours and what I intend to film-last year this was an area that I could have done better on as it would have helped me top prepare and organize where filing is going to take place and what I intend to film.
  • To not get so overwhelmed by the workload and to look at it as a completable challenge.
  • To seek guidance at anytime of doubt or uncertainty.

What is the most effective documentary and why?

For me the most effective documentary was Sarah's groups
which was the facebook documentary about "How safe is your child on facebook" To me this was very effective as many people worldwide and nationally use facebook on a daily basis. So the ideas and interviews that were used were relateable for parents as well as viewers which is something they can be thinking about when watching.

What are your intitial thoughts of the options available for year 13 coursework?

I thought the options available were very interesting compared to the limited choices that we had last year at AS. The range and variety is what i mainly liked as I was able to choose an option I believed suited me best.

What do I want to do and why..?

I have chosen to do option number 7 which is an extract from a new documentary, TV programme lasting approximatley five minutes, together with two of the following three options:

  • A radio trailer for the documentary
  • A double page spread from a listings of magaiznes focused on the documentary
  • A newspaper advertisment for the documentary.
From the above three options that are available for the ancillary I am interested in doing the double page spread for a magazinethat is linked to the documentary. And a newspaper advertisement for the documentary.