Monday, December 20, 2010

1st Draft of Documentary

This is our first draft of our documentary-

  • The feedback we got from this is that the concept of our idea is good
  • Interviews are good.

  • The sound needs fixing Voice overs
  • The interviews need to be edited so that only the important points are shown
  • Add more visuals
  • The statistics part is way too long and it needs to be shorter
  • More co-ordinating visuals
  • Overall a lot of work is needed on this.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thinking of changes for 2nd Draft

  • There are a few changes that we are planning to take action on for our second draft of our documentary. This is essential as we realize the mistakes we are making already.
  • Today we added the music to what we have edited so far, and what we intend to do here is:
  • Change the mouth part to 4 people facing each other and saying the slang words and then the Standard English word, mimicking a confrontation scene.
  • What we need to consider if we do this- Originially we decided to use a song called Pass out by Tiny Temper, however the feedback we got from this was that it was too distracting.
  • So Tobore and I were trying to think of songs that we could use, for each song we are only going to use the first 30 - 40 secs of a song.

These were the songs we were thinking of using for our documentary.
- Eliza Doolitle Pack Up

- Katy B on a mission-Katy B

-Opsy Daisy by chipmunk

This is the closest I can find to an instrumental the first 25 secs of this we weould have used.

- Never Leave You - Tinchy Stryder.

In the end we came up with a whole new song called - I need air" By magnetic man The only problem with using this is that the the editing will have to match the tempo of this song as it is very upbeat.

To be on the safe side I am downloading the instrumentals for Opsy Daisy and Never leave you as we are still taking these two as options.

An idea:
we can use this instrumental at the end of our documentary.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Editing from our 1st draft

  • Today the group refilmed Mr. Foley's interview and this time we made sure that there was a different setting and location as it will convince the audience of the setting; making the interview more natural as opposed to staged.

  • We also filmed the introduction part with the presenter in the library and the dictionary part.

  • We have made another change to the script: we have taken out "dutty" as it is irrelevant.

  • Mistakes we realized: The dictionary part, The dictionary we used as a prop was too big and it was also heavy and it made the camera jump when we put it on the table. We filmed this many times and still found the same problem in each clip we watched on iMovie.
  • Music: While Victoria and Mariana and I were editing Tobore downloaded the music that we intended to use. He did this so that we can then transfer it to iTunes and then import it into garage band.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Premiere Pro Tutorial..

To advance our production skills we have been introduced to Premiere Pro. This is an updated version of iMovie, which will allow us to use green sceen and split screens.

  • So to help me I have done some research on you tube to help me get an idea as how to use the programme.

Slow Motion- Tutorial

Adding Titles on Premier Pro

Editing what we have so far

In today's lesson what we did was we edited what we had filmed and we filmed Mr. Foley's part for our documentary.

Here are a few pictures from our first draft of documentary; and these are the parts that we need to also refilm.

Our 1st Draft

The first draft of our documentary is due on the 17th of December.

Yesterday we started to edit our work in the lesson and we got feedback from Ms on what needs to be changes and re filmed.


After we had shown our teacher the clips that we had this was the feedback that we got:

  • Adding case Studies
  • Re film the introductory section as, it needs to be less "Staged"
  • Start on Music Bulleted List
  • Composition when filming interview and public interview
  • Lighting- as in the beginning we filmed the mouths in different places
  • Questions that are asked need to be consistent and not varied or changed
  • Visual effect- we were advised to think about something that would interest the audience, this can be done by using still images.
  • Extreme close ups- try to avoid this
  • Incorporate match on action into intro to make it more interesting.
Changes we need to make-
  • The script- On the first section, we have decided to change one of our slang words.
  • My part (Introduction to the documentary) We need to film in a different Location.

What needs to be re filmed-

  • Mr. Foley's part- as the composition needs to be improved
  • Mouths in the introduction
  • Our public interviews- as there were too many different shots and some people we moving around too much making it hard for us to film.
  • My part- as we filmed it inside- we could use a different location
What we learnt from this.!
As a group what we decided to do was w to make a video of us saying what we have learnt from the feedback that we got from Ms. This is to help us in our evaluation, as we have acknowledged what needs to be changed improved and re filmed in order to make our documentary successful.