Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Editing from our 1st draft

  • Today the group refilmed Mr. Foley's interview and this time we made sure that there was a different setting and location as it will convince the audience of the setting; making the interview more natural as opposed to staged.

  • We also filmed the introduction part with the presenter in the library and the dictionary part.

  • We have made another change to the script: we have taken out "dutty" as it is irrelevant.

  • Mistakes we realized: The dictionary part, The dictionary we used as a prop was too big and it was also heavy and it made the camera jump when we put it on the table. We filmed this many times and still found the same problem in each clip we watched on iMovie.
  • Music: While Victoria and Mariana and I were editing Tobore downloaded the music that we intended to use. He did this so that we can then transfer it to iTunes and then import it into garage band.