Saturday, February 26, 2011

Converting a youtube clip to iMovie.

This same concept applies as before but only a different website is used. Using these sites helped us to get the videos and music we wanted. Although we had to be careful as in our productions we are advised to use a limited amount of copyrighted music and clips.

My Learning Journey so far

This is an update on what I have learnt so far in the media A2 production.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

During the Half Term- February 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Public Interviews outside the British Library

  • Today I filmed outside the British Library, as the main focus on our documentary was about Language Change. I booked myself into an Exhibition at the British Library to gain more knowledge about the formation of the English language and how it came about. Luckily what we have in our documentary was equivalent to the information that I needed to find out meaning not that much change additions to be made to our script.
  • I then decided to take advantage of this opportunity and I filmed Interviews of people that had just come our from the Exhibition.
  • Finding participants was slightly difficult. Although when I managed to find a group of teenagers that were related to our target audience initially they had all agreed to be filmed. But once I had started taking out my equipment some of them took off!
  • So I was left with one girl who agreed to stay and do the interview.! =) (Thankfully)
  • A Barrier to this: Filming in the heart of Euston (LONDON) was a challenge as many people were on their way to work or was to busy to talk, meaning that I had to settle with the one interviewee I interviewed that Day. (Just my luck.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Research on Music

As our third draft for our documentary is due on the 23rd of February. In our group we got feedback from our teacher and what she thought needs to be improved is:

  • The type of music we used- throughout the whole documentary we used the same song and this is what Ms thought needs to be better.
  • The interviews- As we filmed our interview in school what we were advised to do was to film it in a different location as the interview looks really staged.

Music websites I used to help me find noncopyrighted music.

These sites allow me to get music that can be used in our documentary. When researching for music on these sites I fond that the music was not contemporary enough, so we decided to stick to garage band where we can alter and devise music ourselves.

Also in Today's lesson we went through a list of songs that we thought could be used as instrumentals in our documentary. These were the sounds we experimented with:

1. We looked at this song but we decided it would be too slow and it would not fit with our documentary.

2. This is the one that we think we might use in our documentary.

3. This instrumental was also seen as a possibility- we thought that this this song may be a possibility but- it is a common song and may be slightly risky to use. We also decided that there was too much base in this song and that it may not fit with the conventions of our documentary.

4. We also looked at this instrumental but we thought that this could be possibility.

This is only a sample of the types of music and genres we looked at, as we are aiming at a young target audience it is vital to use contemporary music.

As a group so far we are all leading to the idea of using number 2 as our music for our documentary. This instrumental was found by Tobore and so far as a group this is the sound we intend to use for our statistics part of the documentary.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Editing our Evaluation

Whilst doing our documentary I decided to keep on top of editing our second draft of our Evaluation. I spent at least two hours re-filming certain parts ( The tutorials part) Importing clips and trying to achieve match on action with the different shots that was filmed.

A LOT of work still needs to be done on it as it is nowhere near complete.!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Filming the public Interviews

  • The initial plan today was to film in Shepard's Bush but due to the time Victoria and I decided to film it was quite dark.
  • Today we filmed at least six people, as I was the presenter I asked the questions, and I also went out to find people that fitted with our target audience and asked them if they were available. This was very hard as many people didn't want to be filmed.
  • Choosing the location: I choose a spot where there was a direct headline that shone from a pillar. I did this as I had in mind the composition and how the shot will look on the iMac, and I did this to prevent having to film the public interviews again as this was one of our mistakes that we did not take into consideration when filming our first draft.

3rd draft of our documentary

This is the third draft of our documentary.


  • The indent was too long and it did not get straight to the point of what the documentary is going to be about
  • The typing part still needs more shots, or to be changed overall.
  • But overall good improvements from the 1st and 2nd draft.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Re-filming the Presenter's part

  • Today the whole group got together and refilmed the presenter part (my part.) We filmed the whole entire script in the school Library, we did this as what Tobore noticed while editing was that the my voice sounded different to the voiceover as you could tell that I was in a different location. So to prevent this what we did was we filmed me saying the whole script in one location and then extracted the audio clips and placed them where needed.
  • We also took into consideration our feedback from our first draft- so we used different shots, as opposed to having a mid-shot all the way through the introduction.

2nd draft of our documentary

This is our second draft of our documentary.


  • The concept of the documentary is good.
  • The message the presenter was giving was also very effective as it comes across as educational
  • Statistics was used in the right way
  • More shots could be used
  • There could be more interviews

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Evaluation, And Production

In today's media lesson Victoria and Myself worked on the Evaluation. We did a little filming on our target audience.

From doing this what we have left to include in our 1st draft of our evaluation is

  1. Saying how and where we attracted our target audience.
  2. How and why is our chosen channel of distribution relates to our potential target audience.
  3. How we chose our channel of distribution.
Tobore: Is also working on the stop- start animation for our documentary while Mariana is also focusing on our production side. This way each member in the group can work in turn on the work that needs to be done.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our Script for our new idea

This is the first draft of our script for our new idea. The problem with this script is that the alignment is incorrect which makes it difficult to tell if something is supposed to be a voiceover or not.

The red line shows where my teacher said that the alignment was wrong. This needs to be done with the correct alignment.

Public Interviews

  • On saturday the 6/2/11 Victoria and I set out to film in Westfeilds, and conduct our public interviews.
  • As we filmed quite late during the evening what we did instead was we found a pilar that had a light above it and we filmed in the spot. I choose to film in this spot as I felt that it was a better composition than what we had in our first draft. What we improved: This time we kept a constant shot each time we filmed a participant.
  • Addressing our Target Audience: When we set out to film our public Interviews I did was I seleceted people from the crowd that I thought fitted with our target audience which is 16+

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Research&planning, Filiming and Editing.

Today- we filmed the presenters part of the documentary, which is essentially the beginning. We shot the scene where I am in the Librabry talking about the history of language how it evolved and words that we use now.

Editing: Alongside everything else we then uploaded what we have filmed so far including things for our evaluation.

31/1/11- On this day Tobore and I sat and filmed the ethographic part of our documentary, where I had to type up stats and statistics.

These are my 1st Drafts of my color coded research and planning system that my teacher made to help us plan our documentary.

What the colors mean:

Red- Introduction to the whole series

Green- Introduction to episode

Blue- Subtopic

Yellow- A Break

Orange- Summary of episode

Pink- Recap of previous topic

The feedback I got from this planning: The feedback I got was that in my first plan it was very disorganized as there were arrows everywhere and it was not clear as to what each section was including.

This is my second draft of our Idea for research and planning.

In my second draft to make things clearer what I did was I added a Key. This was to make it easier to differentiate between what each section was going to entail.

For the other episode plans this is the structure I intend to continue with, as the feedback I got from this was that it was much better and easier to read and understand.