Sunday, February 6, 2011

Research&planning, Filiming and Editing.

Today- we filmed the presenters part of the documentary, which is essentially the beginning. We shot the scene where I am in the Librabry talking about the history of language how it evolved and words that we use now.

Editing: Alongside everything else we then uploaded what we have filmed so far including things for our evaluation.

31/1/11- On this day Tobore and I sat and filmed the ethographic part of our documentary, where I had to type up stats and statistics.

These are my 1st Drafts of my color coded research and planning system that my teacher made to help us plan our documentary.

What the colors mean:

Red- Introduction to the whole series

Green- Introduction to episode

Blue- Subtopic

Yellow- A Break

Orange- Summary of episode

Pink- Recap of previous topic

The feedback I got from this planning: The feedback I got was that in my first plan it was very disorganized as there were arrows everywhere and it was not clear as to what each section was including.

This is my second draft of our Idea for research and planning.

In my second draft to make things clearer what I did was I added a Key. This was to make it easier to differentiate between what each section was going to entail.

For the other episode plans this is the structure I intend to continue with, as the feedback I got from this was that it was much better and easier to read and understand.