Monday, February 21, 2011

Public Interviews outside the British Library

  • Today I filmed outside the British Library, as the main focus on our documentary was about Language Change. I booked myself into an Exhibition at the British Library to gain more knowledge about the formation of the English language and how it came about. Luckily what we have in our documentary was equivalent to the information that I needed to find out meaning not that much change additions to be made to our script.
  • I then decided to take advantage of this opportunity and I filmed Interviews of people that had just come our from the Exhibition.
  • Finding participants was slightly difficult. Although when I managed to find a group of teenagers that were related to our target audience initially they had all agreed to be filmed. But once I had started taking out my equipment some of them took off!
  • So I was left with one girl who agreed to stay and do the interview.! =) (Thankfully)
  • A Barrier to this: Filming in the heart of Euston (LONDON) was a challenge as many people were on their way to work or was to busy to talk, meaning that I had to settle with the one interviewee I interviewed that Day. (Just my luck.)