Friday, February 18, 2011

Research on Music

As our third draft for our documentary is due on the 23rd of February. In our group we got feedback from our teacher and what she thought needs to be improved is:

  • The type of music we used- throughout the whole documentary we used the same song and this is what Ms thought needs to be better.
  • The interviews- As we filmed our interview in school what we were advised to do was to film it in a different location as the interview looks really staged.

Music websites I used to help me find noncopyrighted music.

These sites allow me to get music that can be used in our documentary. When researching for music on these sites I fond that the music was not contemporary enough, so we decided to stick to garage band where we can alter and devise music ourselves.

Also in Today's lesson we went through a list of songs that we thought could be used as instrumentals in our documentary. These were the sounds we experimented with:

1. We looked at this song but we decided it would be too slow and it would not fit with our documentary.

2. This is the one that we think we might use in our documentary.

3. This instrumental was also seen as a possibility- we thought that this this song may be a possibility but- it is a common song and may be slightly risky to use. We also decided that there was too much base in this song and that it may not fit with the conventions of our documentary.

4. We also looked at this instrumental but we thought that this could be possibility.

This is only a sample of the types of music and genres we looked at, as we are aiming at a young target audience it is vital to use contemporary music.

As a group so far we are all leading to the idea of using number 2 as our music for our documentary. This instrumental was found by Tobore and so far as a group this is the sound we intend to use for our statistics part of the documentary.