Saturday, October 2, 2010


In the second half of our media lesson we have been looking at censorship in the media and this is mainly where i got my main idea from about censorship in music videos.

As a task we were then asked to put together a presentation on adverts we found offensive and adverts that we would potentially complain about.

This is an advert that was banned in Thailand for displaying discrimination against the black population.

Through my research on censorship I also found that some videos had their html code removed by you tube as they were very offense (mainly once portraying domestic violence.)

This was another adverts that i looked at that was banned in china as it's portrayal of women was so degrading and child like. And this is one of the adverts i also found pretty offended by not not harshly offended by.

This was a British banned advert i found this very offensive as the representation of British parents was displayed poorly through a car advert.