Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Preparation for our first day of filming

So as tomorrow will be our first day of filming. As a group we are planning to start our documentary filming process by filming at Carnaby Street in Central London.
Here we intend to ask the public questions about their views and opinions about the topic of slang.

A Kick Start

To start things I came up with these four questions to ask the public and they are

1.) Is slang a Habit?
2.) Do you use slang in your everyday speech even in formal situations.? E.g. Innit
3.) Do you think the use of slang is due to technology or the influence of the media?
4.) What is your favourite slang word.

With these four questions I specifically trailed away from asking any questions school related as our population is more likely to be a range of people and the questions need to be the same. So to make our sample population equal the interviewees need to be treated the same and asked the same exact questions each time on approach.

This is just an Idea and it may not be final. I have asked about using these questions; tomorrow I will be able to find out if the group is OK with these questions or if they need changing.