Saturday, October 9, 2010

Extra Research for Research and Planing


Only the first 0.45 seconds of this video is important. It pointed out to me the directions where to look for theories which is that second task of my resrach.

Here is an example of a Chanel 4 news feed about the topic of slang

One of the main things i learnt from this is that there are different views about slang.
Here is a screen shot of a headteacher when she was being interviewed.

I thought that the interview technique that was used here was very effective as we had one individual say their point of few and the interviewee asked questions directly to the person. So this allows the audience to hear exactly what the interviewee has asked.

What I also likede was the fact that at the beginning of the clip there was reference to some of the factors that could contribute to the popularity of slang.


William Labov- An American sociolinguist. He looked at the way in which people speak; and the different forms and ways that english comes across. He identifies the use of informal language and standard English.