Thursday, October 28, 2010

Our 1st Day of filming

Today was our first offical step to filming our A2 production. Myself Tobore, Mariana and Victoria all went down to Trafalgar Square and Carnaby Street as this is the beginning of the documentary,and also at doing a couple interviews.
(The two photographers for that day. A smile to start a windy day= Staying positive)

(Where we filmed- Trafalgar Square)

Victoria and Tobore Starting off our first couple shots

( Victoria and Tobore using the camera)

(Mariana and Tobore)

(Filming the national Gallery)

The group filming in the middle of Trafalgar Square)

( The big Ben shot)

( Filming from the National Gallery)

Me filming from the National Art Gallery)

Shop names that we spotted that had Slang/ Taboo Language

(This was a clothes shop that Tobore spotted on Carnaby Street)

( A shop that was labelled Sk:n --> instead of SKIN!

Our Roles

Whilst filming we all participated in using the camera, Mariana and I took photos, Tobore was the main director, Victoria filmed her part as the interviewer and I went out to look for interviewees that would be willing to answer our questions; explaining to them what our production was about.