Thursday, October 7, 2010

Watching more documentaries

Today I did some more research on documentaries I watched one TV documentary and then I listened to an auditory documentary on Black British culture and the impact on slang from BBC 1xtra.

This is the extract from BBC 1xtra that helped me get other peoples view points about their view on slang. Which takes place at 16 mins into the documentary.

Not only was this documentary useful to me for slang but the general knowledge that I got from it is also something i found quite inspiring.

This is the second documentary that I watched.

From watching these two documentaries it has given me ideas and it has also jogged my memory on the types of shots that I learnt about it AS. And hopefully this Will allow me to develop this further and insert this into my A2 media production.

Here is another Documentary that I watched called My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding -On channel 4
Broad casted on Thursday 18th February 2010

To help me with the fist five minute
s of my documentary I watched the opening of this documentary to get some ideas for my groups own documentary.

At the beginning of the documentary there were close up shots of dresses, alongisde a voice over introducing what the documentary will be about.

Here is a second Shot of the many shots that are shown within the first 30 seconds of the documentary.

This is a two shot where it introduces to
viwers some of the things that the people in this documentary will be talking about.

Withn the first miute of the documentary there is a voice over of this lady who is the main person who gives the viewers information about what the Gypsy Culture contains.