Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why do we talk Documentary.

In my English lesson we watched a documentary from the BBC abut why we talk.
What i found extremely interesting and gained knowledge from was the use of shots,and camera angles, and non-diagetic sound

This is part one.

  • Useful Tips from documentary: An idea was to have an extreme close-up of the lips when the people that we use in our documentary are saying slang words. This is the inspiration that we got this idea from.

  • Sound- The sound changes when there is a voiceover and the audience are questions. This is important to note as sound relays an important message in a documentary.

  • Why sound is needed: It draws the audiences attention back to the purpose of the documentary and the focus of what the documentary aims to investigate

At. 1.58 mins to 2.00 mins

Part 2

The first 15 seconds of this documentary is vital as it shows close-ups of lips as the interviewee says a word; the shot then cuts to fasts paste cuts of people talking.

This could be a feature done to keep the audience interested. This is something I would like to incorporate and discuss with my group as to something we could include in our documentary.