Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking Pictures for our final draft of our Ancillary

These are the pictures that we took to use in our ancillaries.

All of these pictures show the different angels that we tried to use. We used the idea of a spelling test as it reinforces the idea of there being a problem with the way people see and use words.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Final Draft Of Script

Writing a script for our Ancillary

Today we went through steps of how to address the question in our evaluation that links to our ancillaries. To help us with this my teacher went through steps as to what we could include when addressing that question. Theses were the following ideas that she asked us to consider

1. Research and Planning - the technologies we used were - Google, magazines, newspapers, online and printed examples

2. Brainstorming - we brain stormed our ideas by using thumbnails, photography and rough work ( these are shown on previous posts)

3. Steps we used for draft one of ancillary when using Photoshop and Indesign. Indesign steps: 1. Set up page correctly
2. Import/place image
3.Insert text (titles/paragraphs)
4. Design/arrange move around images
5. Backgrounds adding and changing them
6. Preview final version by hiding frame edges.
7. Export as PDF From this, it can be a step by step mini tutorial showing our skills as a group and knowledge and understanding of how we used these programs to construct our ancillaries.
So in today's lesson Victoria, Mariana, and I sat down and wrote our briefly what would be said for this tutorial

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taking photots for Ancillary

With this photo I thought this would be a good idea to use as, where the door is that's where any text could go. (This is a glass ornament with books dating back in History)

( This picture is weak and cannot be used as it shows a reflection.

Again, even though i took this picture it cannot be used as I have taken photos of people without them knowing. I did this as we could replicate this idea in any librabry but with people we know,as it reinforces the concept of language and Technology, which is what our episode is based on.

Agin another picture of the books. To acheieve the best effect possible with this, white or coloured text would need to be used.

From these pictures above I choose wisely and carefully where and what I was taking a picture of. Also while taking some of these photos I realsied problems already as to why they may not be used.

28th March- In Today's media lesson I showsed my group members the pictures I took and they liked them.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Second draft of Ancillary

This is my second draft of my advertMy second draft of my Double Page spread
The second draft of my Ancillary is due tomorrow, and today I was finding it quite difficult to get my ideas to fit together.

I sat down with my teacher and I discussed what I was having trouble with from this, this was the advice I was given:

  • Draw up a mind map of all my episodes that my entire documentary will be based on.

  • Then form this ruffly sketch how I would get my idea across quick and easily.

  • This is because, my 1st draft of my Ancillary didn't really match the conventions of a newspaper advert.

  • To help the construction of my double page spread and newspaper advert I also drew some thumbnails so that it would create a visual image in my mind as to what goes where on the page. I found this technique useful to some degree as it enabled me to know in my mind the structure of what my ancillary will look like.

  • This was the mind map based on my documentary my teacher produced to help.

This is the example my teacher gave me to help me think about how to brainstorm my ideas- she used the example of Sexuality culture

Based on the diagram above these are visuals examples of how an advert would be put together:

This helped me to realize that to get my ideas across to my target audience and to ensure that my Ancillary is effective I can use a picture that would grab my audiences attention.

These are some drawn examples that illustrate how I could get my idea across when attracting my target audience.

1-This is an example of a advert with loads of text boxes. It is a demonstration of how my advert should not look as it will look too overcrowded.

2- Diagram two has a better structure as it shows more cohesion.

3- The circle diagram shows how my advert should be constructed- Where there is a main picture and then smaller elements surround that element as size matters.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1st draft of ancillary

This is my 1st draft of my advert.

This is my attempted 1st draft of my double page spread.

Improvement: The feedback I got from this was that I have not considered any style or formation into this piece.

I was given advise to look at real examples that would give me an idea of what I could do for mine.

I was also told to look at the size contraints within each ancillary and look at how my target audience will view this.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Composing 1st draft of Ancillary

Today I attempted to construct a first draft of our ancillary. To help me to this as mentioned before I used In design and Photoshop. As this is only my first draft not that much detail and relevance to my target audience has been incorporated into this piece.

What I included in both drafts: I used the BBC three logo to show our Institution, I used some text to briefly outline what the documentary will explore. I also used images (at this stage copyrighted ones from google) And I used a range of font types and sizes (typography)

In tomorrow's lesson I will get my feedback from this draft and hopefully this will allow me to know what else I need to do to improve for my second draft.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Research&planning Ancillary 2nd Draft

Some of the tasks we were required to do today, replicates a task we were given to do back in November 2010. This was to get the class thinking about the research that we would have to do when it came to actually doing the ancillary.

The feeback I got from this Draft.

On Slide 1: Talk about the organisation of the font, avoid using the words "I like" When I mention the affect of the spread. I need to explain why this is a good idea; also when I mentioned the effectiveness of the colours used on the double page spread, I was advised to be precise about the colors and say exactly what interested me about it.

On slide 2: I need to talk about the organisation of the text, and the way it is written, looking at the impact it has on the picture. The movement of the picture -> from the lady kicking -> to the kicking it -> then down to the text itself. This was a good example of a double page spread which my teacher thought was good, as it allowed her the see clearly what was being promoted.

On Slide 3: My teacher said this was not a double page spread so I need to find another example of a double page spread.

On Slide 4: My teacher advised me to put these forms and conventions into a table so that I can differentiate between the forms and the conventions, as this would allow me to know how to construct my own ancillary.

On Slide 5: I was advised to use less writing on this slide, and to put my ideas in bullet points, I need to say what I find effective -> talk about the design aspects -> consider the relation to the target audience.

On Slide 6: I was advised to put in more comments and again do the same thing as slide 5.

Starting our Ancillaries

In today's lesson we were given a task to start us off with our ancillaries. To help us design our ancillaries we are going to use Photoshop and Indesign.

Before we started we were strongly advised not to use any copyrighted pictures. All our images that we use must be of our own.

Our Ancillary Task:

  • Find a double page spread from an A listing magazine, this must have some link to our documentary. (In today's lesson we discussed what an a listing magazine is:) It is a magazine that is produced every so often, that comes along with a newspaper.
The Research:

  • We have to research a completed double page spread.
  • The size and the magazine that it needs to be put in
  • Double page magazine spreads that we think our effective. (2/3 examples with annotations of what interested us)
  • Double page magazine spreads from TV shows alongside 2/3 annotated examples.
  • The forms and conventions of double page magazine spread
  • How I am going to attract our target audience
  • List the inspirations I got from my findings e.g. the layout/ style of font.

A Newspaper advert for the documentary.

  • Research on the newspaper I would want to advertise my documentary in
  • The size and cost of adverts in newspapers
  • The forms & conventions of newspaper adverts
  • How I intend to attract my target audience
  • What inspired me about the adverts e.g. Layout design, style of font/ photo manipulation.
The first draft for this would be due on: Wednesday 16th March 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Our final Documentary.

To finish off we made a 5th and final draft of our documentary. We made another draft as we added some more stop-start animations and some of the feedback that we got from our 4th draft.

Continuing our evaluation

Today Mariana and I sat down and continued to edit our evaluation. We progressed from the work that I did on the first question so we started to focus on the second question which was based on our target audience.

I added a couple voice overs to the clips that we had, and dragged clips form our old drafts and added them in, extracting audio's and matching the sound up with the images.

Tobore & Victoria then made another stop-start animation which showed our statistics. We did this to use in our evaluation to show the comparison between real media products and our own work. We then added this chart to our actual documentary as the typing part in the beginning was too long.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brushing up on things

Today is our deadline for our documentary. The group got together and fixed the voiceovers and we made a couple last minute additions, as Tobore added the statistics and I did the voiceover.
Overall, as a group we have come together to get this done on time and completed to the best of our ability and that I believe is what we have all done.

Evaluation: Our evaluation is almost done, as we used our target audience clips from our first draft. However the feedback we got from this was that we needed to get feedback from our current draft. Because our target audience feedback was mainly from our first draft.

Victoria and I filmed this today as a last minute correction to our evaluation.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Evaluation Putting it together

Today Victoria and Mariana worked on the evaluation, as I was away and Tobore worked on the stop- start animation. So now we just have to address the last two questions of the evaluation that are related to our ancillaries, these cannot be answered until we finished our ancillary tasks.

Victoria and Mariana followed the same structure that I started off the evaluation in which was getting clips from documentaries that we watched. Showing where we got our ideas from.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Working on the Evaluation

  • Today I edited some of the evaluation, what I did was I started on the first question which was.
  • In ways did your media product use develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products.
  • What I did was I drew a chart and noted all the things that we used developed and challenged. Then from this I chose the two most important conventions that I believed we used effectively in our documentary e.g. Using visuals with co-ordinating images.
  • To help me with my evaluation what I did was I used the excess clips from our 5th draft of our documentary, extracted the audio's and split the clips to match the voice overs.
  • So I then followed this structure for the first question of the Evaluation, and intend to continue this structure of using voice overs with images from real media products and our own documentary.
  • From our feedback of our first draft of the evaluation, this is what we were advised to do.

4th Draft of our Documentary

The feedback we got from this draft was that:

Overall we have shown some development in our documentary, with the co-ordinating visuals and the matched voiceoevers which was something the teacher complimented us on.

EBI- Even Better If:

  • The introduction needs to be added- the ethograpgy part it needs to be better. (The beginning part where there is writing typed up on the screen.)
  • The building that was used as a visual for the Latin words, it was difficult to understand that it was related to Latin words. We were told to find another visual which would be better, as this might be confusing for our target audience.
  • The logo for our documentary is too plain (We need to devise another one more creative)
  • The ending needs co-ordinating visuals and examples to be shown as either footage or visual images e.g. a picture/still image to support the point being made.