Thursday, March 24, 2011

Second draft of Ancillary

This is my second draft of my advertMy second draft of my Double Page spread
The second draft of my Ancillary is due tomorrow, and today I was finding it quite difficult to get my ideas to fit together.

I sat down with my teacher and I discussed what I was having trouble with from this, this was the advice I was given:

  • Draw up a mind map of all my episodes that my entire documentary will be based on.

  • Then form this ruffly sketch how I would get my idea across quick and easily.

  • This is because, my 1st draft of my Ancillary didn't really match the conventions of a newspaper advert.

  • To help the construction of my double page spread and newspaper advert I also drew some thumbnails so that it would create a visual image in my mind as to what goes where on the page. I found this technique useful to some degree as it enabled me to know in my mind the structure of what my ancillary will look like.

  • This was the mind map based on my documentary my teacher produced to help.

This is the example my teacher gave me to help me think about how to brainstorm my ideas- she used the example of Sexuality culture

Based on the diagram above these are visuals examples of how an advert would be put together:

This helped me to realize that to get my ideas across to my target audience and to ensure that my Ancillary is effective I can use a picture that would grab my audiences attention.

These are some drawn examples that illustrate how I could get my idea across when attracting my target audience.

1-This is an example of a advert with loads of text boxes. It is a demonstration of how my advert should not look as it will look too overcrowded.

2- Diagram two has a better structure as it shows more cohesion.

3- The circle diagram shows how my advert should be constructed- Where there is a main picture and then smaller elements surround that element as size matters.