Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Starting our Ancillaries

In today's lesson we were given a task to start us off with our ancillaries. To help us design our ancillaries we are going to use Photoshop and Indesign.

Before we started we were strongly advised not to use any copyrighted pictures. All our images that we use must be of our own.

Our Ancillary Task:

  • Find a double page spread from an A listing magazine, this must have some link to our documentary. (In today's lesson we discussed what an a listing magazine is:) It is a magazine that is produced every so often, that comes along with a newspaper.
The Research:

  • We have to research a completed double page spread.
  • The size and the magazine that it needs to be put in
  • Double page magazine spreads that we think our effective. (2/3 examples with annotations of what interested us)
  • Double page magazine spreads from TV shows alongside 2/3 annotated examples.
  • The forms and conventions of double page magazine spread
  • How I am going to attract our target audience
  • List the inspirations I got from my findings e.g. the layout/ style of font.

A Newspaper advert for the documentary.

  • Research on the newspaper I would want to advertise my documentary in
  • The size and cost of adverts in newspapers
  • The forms & conventions of newspaper adverts
  • How I intend to attract my target audience
  • What inspired me about the adverts e.g. Layout design, style of font/ photo manipulation.
The first draft for this would be due on: Wednesday 16th March 2011