Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Working on the Evaluation

  • Today I edited some of the evaluation, what I did was I started on the first question which was.
  • In ways did your media product use develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products.
  • What I did was I drew a chart and noted all the things that we used developed and challenged. Then from this I chose the two most important conventions that I believed we used effectively in our documentary e.g. Using visuals with co-ordinating images.
  • To help me with my evaluation what I did was I used the excess clips from our 5th draft of our documentary, extracted the audio's and split the clips to match the voice overs.
  • So I then followed this structure for the first question of the Evaluation, and intend to continue this structure of using voice overs with images from real media products and our own documentary.
  • From our feedback of our first draft of the evaluation, this is what we were advised to do.