Wednesday, March 2, 2011

4th Draft of our Documentary

The feedback we got from this draft was that:

Overall we have shown some development in our documentary, with the co-ordinating visuals and the matched voiceoevers which was something the teacher complimented us on.

EBI- Even Better If:

  • The introduction needs to be added- the ethograpgy part it needs to be better. (The beginning part where there is writing typed up on the screen.)
  • The building that was used as a visual for the Latin words, it was difficult to understand that it was related to Latin words. We were told to find another visual which would be better, as this might be confusing for our target audience.
  • The logo for our documentary is too plain (We need to devise another one more creative)
  • The ending needs co-ordinating visuals and examples to be shown as either footage or visual images e.g. a picture/still image to support the point being made.